Today, when we woke up in the morning the sun was shining through the window, which was a pleasant change after the last couple of days of pouring rain. We said goodbye to Marek and Ola, sat in the car and were about to leave for Auschwitz, looking forward to seeing Krakow in the afternoon. And then it has started...
When we were waiting at the crossroad someone started banging on the car and told us that we have an empty tire. This is the sum of the converstion that followed for those that are privileged to understand Slovene:
5ra: Jah, welcome to Poland, ane.
Urša: Matr, sam lih včeri smo rekl kok mamo letos sreče z avtom...
5ra: To nm je en zih gumo prerezu ponoč
Sabrina: Iz čiste zabave, ja...
5ra: Ej, sam to so men doma rekl, tlele okrog so sami cigani. Pa kr verjamem, veš.
Well, it turned out that no one cut our tire during the night, we just somehow managed to drive across a nail. We started changing the tire right in the middle of the street, which was a nice show for everyone around here; three girls with a foreign car, walking around with black hands and rolling around the tires ...
The spare tire we had was only an emergency one, so we had to take the real one to the mechanic as soon as possible. At least the GPS was functioning know, as we managed to charge it during the night, because we can't do that from the car, as the car charger's fuze burnt out. We were all set and ready to go and then the car wouldn't start. We tried doing everything. Changing the keys, opening the hood, plugging out the battery (the everyday procedure; we've had the same problem last year) and waiting but nothing helped. Luckily there she was - our saviour. Monika helped us take the tire to the tire mechanic, called the towing service and told the mechanics that we are coming, because very few of them spoke English.
At the moment we are sitting in a bar drinking beer knowing that we won't be driving today anymore waiting for the mechanic to call us and tell us what's wrong with the car. It looks like we will be staying in Wroclaw for a bit longer than we expected...
Goodbye photoshooting with Marek and Ola
Welcome to Poland!

You should have seen Sabrina's face when she saw the speed limit on the temporary tire :O

Urša unscrewing the tire screws

Sabrina unscrewing the tire screws

Petra unscrewing the tire screws

Ol' Dirty nail Bastard (R.I.P.) :D

Top shit!

The tire mechanic
The only rock in town to ensure non-movement of the car

Putting the real tire back on

Elza loaded