While Sabrina and Petra were exploring Prague I was running on European Open with Lu.
If this year's EO had to be described with one word only, it would definitely be wet. It was really VERY, VERY, wet. On the first night our tent nearly got blown away, it started leaking and Barbara and I spent most of the night deciding wheter or not we should evacuate together with all three dogs and just sleep in the car. Other two days were a bit better, but still cold and windy, which caused loads of people to move out of the camp into a nearby hotel.
Our camp after the storm

Otherwise the venue was amaizing, the stadium was big enough for even more than four courses, but we completely distroyed the grass and all that was left was mud.
Lu and I had a bit of a bad luck on both days, we had one clear round and one elimination each day, but it was a good practice for the coming World Championship in Germany anyway. Others from our team did really well, Brigita & Ela finished third in small and Zoli & Pilko second in medium kathegory in the final round. Our Croatian friends did well too, Željko & Tip finished third in large. Big congrats to all!!!
We visited a church full of skulls in Kutna Hora and went walking into Teplice Rocks national park, which is known for its unusual rock formation. Our GPS charger broke down today and we were trying to navigate using the maps, which turned out to be very interesting. Sabrina and Petra left a little souvenir in Prague, they both forgot their favourite pair of shorts drying on a chair in the camp. Well, at least the person who will take them home will be happy.
We are staying at Marek and Ola's tonight, thank you both for letting us stay at yours!
The church in Kutna Hora
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